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Dental Implant New York Cost All on 4 – All on 6 VS Galileus Cerclage Sinus®

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The Choice of Dental Implantology: What Are the Options and Differences?

The price difference between an All-on-4 treatment in New York, which can range from $15,000 to $30,000, and the Galileus Cerclage Sinus® technique, which has a fixed price of $15,000, can be significant. However, considering not only the initial cost of the treatment but also the long-term benefits and the quality of the result obtained is essential for an informed decision.

The All-on-4 is a consolidated and widely used technique for replacing missing teeth, although it can be more expensive. However, it has limitations, such as the lack of posterior molars and the use of a composite definitive Toronto bridge with false gums. While these characteristics may be acceptable for some patients, it is essential that they are aware of the available alternatives before making a final decision.

On the other hand, the Galileus Cerclage Sinus® offers an alternative and innovative solution, which could be equally, if not more, effective at a lower cost. With this technique, the teeth are supported and positioned along the entire perimeter line of the upper jaw, including the posterior molars. The circular prosthesis made of zirconia ceramic, customized without false gums, offers better chewing function and a fixed aesthetic, fully satisfying the aesthetic and functional needs of patients.

All-on-4 Price: Varies from $15,000 to $30,000.

Galileus Cerclage Sinus® Price: $15,000

Features of All-on-4:

Consolidated solution for replacing missing teeth.
Possibility of a composite definitive Toronto bridge with false gums.
Limitations such as the lack of posterior molars.

Features and benefits of the Galileus Cerclage Sinus® technique:

Support and positioning of teeth along the entire perimeter line of the upper jaw, including the posterior molars.
Circular prosthesis made of zirconia ceramic, customized without false gums.
Better chewing function and a fixed aesthetic, fully satisfying the aesthetic and functional needs of patients.

In conclusion, the choice between All-on-4 and Galileus Cerclage Sinus® will depend on the individual preferences of the patient and the specific needs of the case.

If you are a patient considering dental implantology to restore your smile, it is important to understand the various options available and the differences between them. Two of the most common techniques are All-on-4 and All-on-6, but there is also an innovative technique called Galileus Cerclage Sinus® that may offer significant advantages but is often not mentioned by doctors.

“This is the circular prosthesis made of handcrafted zirconia ceramic, customized to fit the anatomy and physiognomy of the patient without false gums, highly aesthetic and natural, with all the posterior molars for a mouth full of teeth for proper and complete chewing, nothing to do with all-on-4 and all-on-6: therefore, the best surgical technique for any individual today undergoing complete dental implantology is the Galileus Cerclage Sinus® technique, superior to all other techniques in objective results as you can see, are you willing to give up all these benefits?”

“The circular prosthesis includes 14 teeth,

“The circular prosthesis includes 12 teeth,

What are All-on-4 and All-on-6?

All-on-4 and All-on-6 are two dental implantology techniques that aim to restore the entire dental arch using a reduced number of dental implants. Essentially, both techniques involve the placement of four or six dental implants in the upper or lower arch, followed by the application of a fixed prosthesis that replaces all missing teeth.

What are the limitations of All-on-4 and All-on-6?

Although All-on-4 and All-on-6 are established and effective techniques, they have some limitations. For example, both techniques primarily focus on the frontal portion of the dental arch, avoiding the atrophic posterior areas of the upper or lower jawbone. This can negatively affect the stability and chewing function of the prosthesis since there is no support in the posterior areas.

The Innovative Solution: Galileus Cerclage Sinus®

The Galileus Cerclage Sinus® technique represents an innovative alternative that addresses the limitations of traditional techniques. This technique involves the placement of dental implants not only in the frontal portion of the arch but also in the atrophic posterior areas of the upper or lower jawbone. This allows for complete prosthetic support along the entire perimeter of the arch, including the posterior molars.

What are the advantages of the Galileus Cerclage Sinus® technique?

Complete chewing: Thanks to complete prosthetic support along the entire dental arch, the Galileus Cerclage Sinus® technique allows for complete and comfortable chewing without limitations in the posterior areas. Natural aesthetics: Prostheses made with the Galileus Cerclage Sinus® technique offer a natural aesthetic appearance without false gums, ensuring a beautiful and natural smile. Stability and durability: With the placement of implants in the atrophic posterior areas, the prosthesis has increased stability and durability over time, reducing the need for repair or replacement interventions.



The Enlightened Choice: The Innovative Galileus Cerclage Sinus® Technique for Dental Implants

Are you seeking a solution for your dental health but feeling overwhelmed by the various options available in the market? If so, you may be interested in learning about an innovative surgical technique called Galileus Cerclage Sinus®. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of this advanced technique, comparing it with more traditional options like All-on-4 and All-on-6, to help you make an informed decision for your implant treatment.

The Challenge of Atrophic Bone: Galileus Cerclage Sinus® vs. Traditional Techniques

Imagine being a patient with severe bone loss in the posterior area of the upper jaw, a chronic and complex condition that has compromised your dental health. You’ve been offered a quad zygomatic implant surgery, involving extraction and autologous bone grafting, extensive sinus lifts, and a series of invasive procedures. But there’s an alternative: the Galileus Cerclage Sinus® technique.

The Safe Haven of Galileus Cerclage Sinus® Technique

Galileus Cerclage Sinus® represents a cutting-edge surgical approach that addresses the challenges of atrophic bone in a comprehensive and innovative way. By placing implants even in the atrophic posterior zones, this technique offers full prosthetic support along the entire dental arch, including support for posterior molars. This means complete and comfortable chewing without compromises in functionality and aesthetics.

The Talking Results: A Patient’s Story

Let us introduce you to the story of a patient who chose the Galileus Cerclage Sinus® technique after discovering it during an online search. Afflicted with severe bone loss in the posterior upper jaw, the patient avoided invasive zygomatic implant surgery and opted for Galileus Cerclage Sinus®. With 9 dental implants placed along the entire perimeter of the upper jaw, including two large pillars of resistance in the posterior atrophic zones, the patient achieved complete chewing function and natural, harmonious dental aesthetics.

The Truth to Look in the Eye: The Final Result

In the attached video, you’ll witness firsthand the incredible results achieved by the patient, who avoided invasive surgery and gained optimal dental health and stunning aesthetics. If you find yourself in a similar situation and seek an effective and aesthetic solution for your dental health, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here for you, ready to offer you the best in technology and experience for your smile. For more information and personalized consultation, reach out to us via WhatsApp at +39 388 7527525.

Don’t let atrophic bone deprive you of a bright smile and optimal dental health. Choose the Galileus Cerclage Sinus® technique and transform your life with a brand-new smile!

“after 6 months, replacement from the provisional fixed prosthesis to the definitive one, this is the patient who would have had to undergo quad zygomatic implantology, and now look at the result. the patient sometimes thinks if she hadn’t researched and investigated, today she would have had to say goodbye to all these benefits that still make her look beautiful, young, and confident. with a quad zygomatic prosthesis, she wouldn’t have been able to be like this, and perhaps would have started to have depressive and self-esteem issues. these are important decisions not to be taken lightly, which is why it is intelligent to inform yourself, even through friends or acquaintances, to learn about these techniques that avoid much more invasive situations.”



When it comes to choosing the best approach for dental implantology, it is important to consider all available options and understand the differences between them. While All-on-4 and All-on-6 are established techniques, the Galileus Cerclage Sinus® technique offers significant advantages, such as complete chewing and natural aesthetics, which could make a difference in your implant treatment. Speak with your dentist or oral surgeon to discuss the best options for your specific needs and make an informed decision for your smile.

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